Holy Baptism, is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the Word.
--Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1213
You just found out that you are pregnant and you give thanks to God for the great joy ahead. Your parish is happy for you and wants to help you any way we can.
Sometimes, especially now with Covid 19 and recession, times are tough. Remember we will stretch our resources any way we can to help you as you prepare for the great day and afterward also. This is Christ's Church and we believe in the sanctity of human life. If you need financial help with pre-natal scans or doctors bills, please, please come see us.
So let's get started.
weeks after birth (canon 867, §1), so contact your parish well in advance of the desired baptism date.
enrollment in the children’s catechumenate.
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church
1611 Feagin
Lufkin, TX 75904
Phone: 936-632-9100
Date of application: ___/___/___ Application for Baptism
Child’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Child’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ City or Town of Birth: __________________________________
Father’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________ Catholic: Y / N
Address: _______________________________________________ Register here? Y / N How long? _____
Phone/Cell: _____________________________________________ Do you attend Mass regularly? Y / N
Married by: Civil ____ Church ____ Together ____
Mother’s Full Maiden Name: _________________________________________________ Catholic: Y / N
Address: _______________________________________________ Register here? Y / N How long? _____
Phone/Cell: _____________________________________________ Do you attend Mass regularly? Y / N
Married by: Civil ____ Church ____ Together ____
God Father’s Full Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____ Catholic: Y / N
Address: _______________________________________________ Register here? Y / N How long? _____
Phone/Cell: ______________________________________________ Do you attend Mass regularly? Y / N
God Father has: Baptism: Y / N 1 St Communion: Y / N Confirmation: Y / N
Married by: Civil _____ Church _____ Together _____ Single ____
God Mother’s Full Name: __________________________________________ Age: ____ Catholic: Y / N
Address: ________________________________________________ Register here? Y / N How long? _____
Phone/Cell: _____________________________________________ Do you attend Mass regularly? Y / N
God Mother has: Baptism: Y / N 1 St Communion: Y / N Confirmation: Y / N
Married by: Civil _____ Church _____ Together _____ Single ____
Class Attended: _____/_____/_____ Instructor: ________________________________________________
Date Signature of Priest or Deacon
The Parish office must receive a copy of the child’s birth certificate from court and God parent’s
marriage certificate from the church before the Sacrament can take place.