St. Andrew Charity maintains a small food pantry for those in need. If you would like to make a cash donation, place it in the 2nd collection in a labeled envelope, in the poor box at the entrance of the church, or mail it to the church office.
If you like, you may bring food items by the office Tuesday-Thursday, 9am-5pm. Please be sure that no items have expired dates.
Regular food pantry needs: peanut butter, rice, beans, macaroni, canned vegetables & meat
St. Andrew Charity will provide assistance for parish families in need of food or other assistance. If your family has a need, please visit the parish office and fill out an application. You will be contacted by a St. Andrew Charity member.
Each year St. Andrew Charity helps provide a hearty Christmas dinner and gifts for children in needy families in our parish. This year we have a Christmas tree at the entrance of the church containing Christmas Angels with items from the children’s wish lists. Please join with us in making a merry, merry Christmas for these children.
1. Pick an Angel from the tree.
2. Purchase gift.
3. Wrap gift, then attach Christmas Angel.
4. Place gift under church Christmas tree or take to office by December 12.
5. What a joy to share gifts from the Lord!
May God bless you!
You may also help by donating money for the purchase of gift cards for groceries by becoming a Christmas Angel Dinner Sponsor. Please drop your donation (of any amount) by the church office or place in the weekly collection, labeled Christmas Angel Dinner Sponsor.
Contact: Bridget Grubb